lunedì 27 gennaio 2014

My Violent Ego - One day you'll laugh at the sad saga that was - 2011 [Streaming]

A otto anni di distanza dal loro ultimo disco, Carried-Along-By-Fate, i My Violent Ego tornano con una raccolta dei loro precedenti Ep. La distanza non scoraggia la produzione musicale di Christy Brewster e Paolo Miceli che tra Roma ed Edimburgo hanno prodotto tutta la loro discografia. La raccolta, totalmente ri-masterizzata per l'occasione, con i suoi riverberi e suoni onirici vi trascinerà negli antri più profondi delle vostre notti. (Marzo 2011)

My Violent Ego
One day you'll laugh at the sad saga that was
White Birch Records / Sometimes Records / Handwriting Records

1. Plam (Clicks and Hisses EP)
2. Swoonow (Clicks and Hisses EP)
3. Go bed (Clicks and Hisses EP)
4. Come on, sleep (Clicks and Hisses EP)
5. Crawling (Clicks and Hisses EP)
6. Saint My-self (Clicks and Hisses EP)
7. What if She leaves (Clicks and Hisses EP)
8. Well, she left (Clicks and Hisses EP)
9. Pesky fly (Clicks and Hisses EP)
10. A loop in yr garden (Unreleased)
11. Sleeping song (Rejected by fate EP)
12. French feeling of a tragic song (vers. 2) (Rejected by fate EP)
13. Là c'est la voix (Unreleased)
14. Untitled, uncomplete (Feel Yr Sleep EP)
15. Plom (Feel Yr Sleep EP)
16. Although thankls for wasting my time (Feel Yr Sleep EP)
17. Slow motion into sound (My head exploding) (Feel Yr Sleep EP)
18. Enraptured (Litost EP)
19. Loop yr self (Litost EP)
20. Trail of light (stellar version) (Litost EP)
21. Plom (early demo) (Litost EP)
22. Small consolations (Unreleased)

Sito UfficialeTW ◄

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